Personal Health Record Application


  • Python
  • Swift
  • Kotlin


  • Android
  • iOS
  • Website Panel


Medical reports and data play a crucial role in the healthcare system. However, patients have limited control over them, leading to delays and misunderstandings. Our client approached Vrinsoft to develop a medical report management project that would expedite the process in a secure manner. We were tasked with creating an application for patients and a website portal for doctors. This case study will detail how we successfully created a straightforward and efficient system for storing and sharing medical records to aid patients.

Project Highlights

  • The OCR enables automatic data extraction from various medical report formats, including JPEG, PNG, BMP, PDF, and TIFF.
  • It offers robust encryption protocols and access controls to keep sensitive health information confidential and secure.
  • Visualizations and reports generated from patient data help them track health trends and progress.
  • The interface is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, allowing all users to easily navigate and utilize its features regardless of technical proficiency.
  • The strict doctor verification process enhances trust and reliability, ensuring that patients are connected with qualified healthcare professionals.


  • Create a user-friendly platform for patients to manage their health records.
  • Provide doctors with easy access to patient health data.
  • Implement OCR and data mapping for report standardization.
  • Enable seamless data sharing between patients and healthcare providers. 
  • Offer subscription-based access for users.


  • Develop a user-centric mobile app and web portal.
  • Implement OCR technology for automatic data extraction.
  • Prioritize data security and privacy.
  • Establish a verification process for doctors.
  • Offer analytics and reminders for patients.


  • Help patients with health record management.
  • Improved patient-doctor communication.
  • Streamlined data sharing between patients and doctors.

Our Client

The client is a reputable medical institution looking for a way to simplify medical report management. They wanted to help patients expedite medical reports’ access and understanding by giving them control over it. They also wanted to help patients understand their medical reports and help them track changes.

Client Requirement

  • Create a simple and easy-to-use medical report-sharing and storing application.
  • Only provide access to verified doctors to assess the report for patients.
  • Incorporate Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to automatically extract information from various report formats.
  • Provide visualization of reports for patients to track their health.

Proposed Solution

The healthcare record management platform is designed to be user-friendly and innovative. It uses Python, Swift, and Kotlin to create mobile and web interfaces. One of its standout features is the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology that accurately extracts data from various report formats. Our platform simplifies health record management, emphasizing data security, accessibility, and user convenience.

Why We Choose This Solution?

We choose this tech stack and solutions to accommodate the client’s requirements.

  • Comprehensive analytics empowers users to gain valuable insights into their health trends and treatment progress.
  • We chose native app development to enhance performance and better accessibility.
  • The MYSQL database management system ensures that it can handle growing data volumes while maintaining consistent performance and data integrity.
  • Strong encryption protocols and strict access controls ensure patient data confidentiality and security.

Benefit of This Solution

This project has a significant impact on healthcare management by transforming it. It offers a secure, user-friendly platform that enables users to organize and analyze their health records. This platform empowers individuals to take an active role in their healthcare journey, leading to improved treatment outcomes, better adherence to medications, and proactive health management. Moreover, the platform’s seamless data sharing capabilities facilitate efficient communication between patients and healthcare providers, resulting in faster diagnoses, personalized care plans, and a stronger doctor-patient relationship.

Key Feature

Store and Share Health Record

This feature ensures that all essential health information, from medications to allergies and medical history, is conveniently accessible in one place.

Health Data Tracking

Once the user enters the details of their reports, they can track the changes from the application.

Secure Data Sharing with Doctors

Users can effortlessly share their health records with authorized doctors and healthcare professionals.

Find a doctor

Users can easily find a doctor to consult through the application. Once they choose the doctor, they can assign reports to them for better understanding.

Web Application for Doctors

For doctors, we built a web portal where they can access patient’s reports and suggestions accordingly.

Doctor Verification Process

Only qualified and verified healthcare professionals are granted access to patient data to ensure trust and reliability in the healthcare ecosystem.

OCR for Report Standardization

This feature reduces manual data entry, minimizes errors, and standardizes patient and doctor data presentation.

Biometric Authentication

Users can access the application with biometric authentication for better security and privacy.

The Result

The project was successful, and we built a comprehensive system where patients can easily upload medical reports and get results. We exceeded client expectations, and they started rolling out the application for everyone to use.


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